Ace of cake is an American reality show currently airing on the Food Network. The staff consist primarily of Chef Duff Goldman with him are all his good friends. The setting is at the Charm City Cakes, in Baltimore, Maryland.
The show is about how Chef Duff and his friends create a very exotic cake, I called it exotic because they can do exotic designs that you will wonder how they did it and that it is possible. They can do cakes like cars, buildings or even jungle with animals on it. The cake design depends on what celebration the cake is for. They are frequently shown working long hours to build and decorate the cakes and including all the staff conversations, jokes and especially when they delivered the cake and seen that people’s reactions and complement about the cake.
They design cakes not only for a simple birthday but also for a huge celebration. Like a cake for the Paramount Pictures Premiere for the Dream Works Animation Film Kung Fu Panda and also a Hogwarts castle for the Premiere of the fifth installment of Harry Potter.
They created this show to make a person celebrating any special event happy and make their cake a remarkable and a memorable one. This is so attracting to the audience aside from making some sort of drama and laughter you will really be amazed bout the cake design and you will be curious on how did they make it and they uses advanced machines or equipment for painting or coloring the cakes. People can also witness on how these chefs are creative.
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